
CHETAH 11.0 was released March 2020. Those who wish to upgrade from older versions of CHETAH (10.0 or lower) to CHETAH 11.0 should contact ASTM International (see to purchase an upgrade).

Please note that CHETAH 11.0 is a complex scientific database program. Depending on the speed of your computer, and the complexity of the compounds being analyzed, calculations may take some time. Simpler calculations may appear to be instantaneous. Efforts are being made to speed up calculations and when progress is made, a service pack will be issued and made available on this web page.

Service packs may be issued from time to time to address issues that emerge and to enhance user experiences. Note that the installation of any service pack will require an Administrator level user account, as did the initial installation of CHETAH 11.0

All Service Packs are cumulative and will include fixes for issues discovered and corrected since the initial CHETAH release and since the last Service Pack release and will be available to ALL users at no charge.

For questions, please contact


If you find any errors related to the results of the calculations, while performing any task, or if you want to give suggestions for the improvement of the next version please send an email to

Stock #: DS51HOL

ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7125-1